Our mission. Our team.

It all started with a petition...

Kat Ross found the senior high school science curriculums in New South Wales (NSW) were severely lacking in the representation of women. Seeing this problem, she started a campaign to raise awareness about this issue, inspiring others to join her fight to push for fair representation of scientists across the Australian education system, and thus began the #IncludeHer movement.

Now are working with educators, and education departments to improve help produce the best possible science curriculum for all students.

Meet the IncludeHer team!

We are a team passionate about STEM and STEM education. 

Kathryn Ross

Founder & Director

Shanika Galaudage


Tegan Clark


Nici Sweaney


Nataliea Lowson

Team Member

Andrew Battisti

Team Member

Helen Adam

Team Member

Alexandra Ross

Team Member